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PCs vs. Consoles – what’s better for gaming?

PCs Vs. Consoles

The debate revolving around the topic of what’s the best way to play video games has now been going on for decades, with no clear winner in sight.

If you’re wondering whether it’s better to play games on a PC or PS5, we’re here to help you make the right choice.

PCs have better graphics than consoles.

One of the biggest advantages of a PC over consoles is the graphics. If your PC can run the latest titles at their maximum settings, 99% of those titles will look much better on a PC.

Such PCs might come at a high cost, however – especially with the ongoing microchip shortages. If you’re in the market for a gaming PC in Ireland, you can find affordable Intel and AMD pre-built desktops and laptops at Xcellent PC. Our PCs feature powerful graphics cards to run the latest titles, plenty of RAM, and modern SSDs to make gaming a true pleasure.

You can play multiplayer for free on PC

Consoles like PS5 and Xbox Series X/S require you to sign up for an expensive subscription to play multiplayer games. On PC, you don’t have to worry about that – with the exception of some MMOs, you can play online games for free on PC after you purchase them.

Mouse and keyboard vs. controller.

One of the main differences between console and PC gaming is the way you play – on PC, you’re using a mouse and a keyboard as your main peripherals; however, you can at any time plug in a gamepad, a racing wheel, or a joystick.

On consoles, you’re mostly stuck with a controller. While there are ways to plug in a mouse and keyboard to some consoles, not many games feature support for this. Sometimes the choice is related to the budget.


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